Finding instead of searching:
Good quality data for right decisisions.

Suppliers already have a large amount of Product Data on hand.
However, Data cannot be transferred to the customers in a structured way because there is no shared, standardized language. “Translating” it individually would be too inefficient.

At the same time, suppliers are often missing uniform, approved keywords. As a result, the customer often has no idea what to ask for since the customer’s own material archives are as well not organized by key words. In the Digital Age, this situation is absurd!

The consequences are that identical products are requested simultaneously, at great expense, & new products are developed even though they already exist. Not only does this tie up valuable resources on both the supplier & customer sides, it is also unsustainable.

GTS-CAT is poised to change that with a smart, standardized approach & sleek, user-friendly technology.



By describing exactly what you have, you’ll find exactly what you need.

Has this ever happened to you? You’ve developed a new product, then realized your company already used or has offered the same thing? GTS has the Solution

  • Avoid redundant expenses. Use keywords to identify your products according to precise attributes.

  • Build a clean, keyword-tagged material archive, using product description
    attributes which you can easily request from your suppliers eliminating typing
    them out each time.

  • Establish precise & compelling product descriptions, without having to compile
    important background information, searching through countless emails.

GTS — the components in Detail


One sector – one language: the new standard

·· GTS-CAT ··

A good solution requires a powerful platform.


Because every contribution counts.

·· ABOUT US ··

Who we are – and where we stand.

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