Your access to the new industry standard – and what you gain from it

GTS enables you to quickly and easily enter the world of automated data exchange between suppliers, producers, brands and retailers. So that collaboration becomes faster, more secure and more sustainable.

Don’t miss out on the Future – become a member now and secure your benefits:


  • Highly automated exchange of all relevant data

  • Significant reduction in manual labor

  • Massive reduction in personnel and interface costs


  • High data quality and transparency

  • Consistent and up-to-date product data

  • Easy implementation in existing systems (also for SMEs without their own web service)


  • Basis for automated exchange of sustainability data

  • Simple certificate management

  • Easy compliance with legal requirements

  • Completely transparent database on origin and product composition


Our packages – your advantages

GTS must meet the needs of organizations of all sizes. That is why the price is always based on your company’s revenue in the last business year.

Please enter here your annual revenue and we will show you what costs you can expect.

Are you interested? Get in touch with us. We would be happy to create an individual offer to best meet your needs.


Secure individual company ID

free of charge


  • Registering your company and an administrator
  • Creation of your company ID in GTS standard format

Your Benefits:

  • Receive a free, standardized company ID
  • Entering the world of automated data exchange


We come to you for an expertise.

Would you first like to know how well you are prepared for ESPR and the Digital Product Passport in terms of data-availability and -quality, your processes and your IT?

We will send you a short questionnaire, visit you for a day and talk to your core team, after which you will receive a short report with recommendations for to do’s*.

3 steps:

  • Preliminary questionnaire

  • 0.5 days at your premises and short workshop with your core team.

  • Status report with recommendations for operative actions*.

Individually tailored to your needs – please feel free to contact us!

*We expressly point out that such a quick check is no substitute for a detailed process analysis by a qualified management consultancy.



Staying in the loop of relevant developments in turbulent times.

beginning at 100 € / Month*


You want to learn and stay tuned closely when it comes to data exchange and Digital Product Passport over the next few years, without wanting to use the GTS toolset immediately.

With an “informational membership”, you can participate in our GTS initiative as a full member and your organization can build up important know-how and prepare at an early stage your systems or — as an association — your members for the time after 2027.

Focus on building up expertise:

  • Participation in the GTS working groups and physical events of the Global Textile Scheme Initiative.

  • Timely information on important develop-ments in the ESPR & DPP environment.

  • Influence on the GTS standard.

  • Possibly joint events.

  • Advice on individual questions.



Upload certificates of all kinds for your customers.

beginning at 175 € / Month*



  • Access to the GTS-Cat cloud based IT tool

  • Use of GTS language for all product classes (automated exchange of all demand data, materials, prices, certificates, sustainability properties and e-commerce)

  • Membership in the GTS initiative (participation possible, but not obligatory)

  • GTS-L catalog updates
  • Suppliers & Manufacturers:

    – Upload material and price data (SKU level)

    – Retrieve demand data (SKU level)

    – Upload certificates of all kinds for your customers.

  • Brands:

    – Upload sustainability and e-commerce data

    – Upload demand data (SKU level)

Your Benefits:

  • Configuration of the GTS-L catalog according to own requirements as a basis for automated data exchange with business partners

  • Translation of own product data into the uniform GTS language enables significant cost savings (only one interface required per product class)

  • Provision of all important data for own customers

  • Better material planning through new transparency of the requirements of the company’s own products (SKU) at the respective customers. Advantages: More demand-oriented material planning – Increase production quantities and quality – Reduce warehouse quantities – Reduce capital commitment (only for suppliers2brands)

  • Highly automated reconstruction of existing master data worlds posasible with GTS-L data catalog plus eBISS Mapping Tool (by Pranke GmbH)



Download product, sustainability/e-commerce data

beginning at 125 € / Month*



  • Automated data retrieval from own suppliers (material and price data, sustainability data and, if applicable, e-commerce data)

  • Brands:

    – Retrieve material and price data (SKU level)

    – Download supplier certificates as PDF and with important data (e.g. validity dates).

  • Retailer: Retrieve sustainability and e-commerce data (SKU level)
  • In future all: Retrieval of “EU – Digital Product Passport” data

Your Benefits:

  • High savings potential in overhead costs (reduction of manual work on bills of materials and price data ensures lower personnel and interface costs while improving data quality)

  • Ideal preparation for future Circular Economy legislation and EU – Digital Product Passport

  • Provision of all important data for own customers

  • Data basis for real material cycles (extraction of raw material)

* Not for IT-providers and platform operators (separate price list – feel free to contact us).

** For all fee-based packages, the basic fee is based on a revenue-based, annual calculation, plus quarterly billing and, if applicable, adjustment of a volume-based data fee, which is relevant only if you do not use your own web service

Please note our General Terms and Conditions!

Are you in?

Book an initial consultation with us now and find out how your business can progress with GTS.. In 30 – 60 minutes, we will present our service packages and your advantages in detail and clarify your questions. If there is not yet the right solution for your business model, we will be happy to create an individual offer for you. Do not hesitate:

GTS — the components in detail


One sector – one language: the new standard

·· ABOUT US ··

Who we are – and where we stand.


Because every contribution counts.

·· GTS-DATA ··

Those who share data receive more in return.

Not yet convinced? Talk to us.